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Tracking the Fit in Your Workforce

A healthy body is a productive body- a well-said and effective saying, reminding us of the old adage-“Health is Wealth.” Yet the saying is often forgotten with time and becomes ancient knowledge by the time we step inside the workplace.

The physically demanding and high safety-risk industrial sector is driven by people who focus on the work and “shoulder” responsibilities. More often than not, this comes at the expense of the employee’s health. In the long run, this is disadvantageous for both the employee and the employer.

In recent years, workplace health and well-being have taken precedence for employers to sustain a healthy and safe work environment. Many studies on employee engagement and workforce well-being have borne conclusive results. These results suggest how the industrial workplace culture chips away at the employee's health and well-being. Leading to quitting, absenteeism, lower productivity, increased injuries, and other less favorable outcomes.

It has paved the way for employers to devise employee wellness plans. The easiest and most feasible way is using an employee wellness app.

With employee wellness apps, the idea of health incentive programs has gained significant popularity. Integrating Muscle Health fitness within employee wellness apps encourages employees to adopt healthier habits and lifestyles through healthy engagement and interaction.

Employee wellness apps have addressed various issues contributing to the declining well-being of employees and consolidated them into one solution. In a world grappling with accessibility and motivation, these apps have transformed health management for corporations.


Why Choose Employee Wellness Apps?


Employers recognize the idea of employee wellness. They're now increasingly looking for platforms to enhance employee engagement and health. It is well-understood that healthy employees lead to a healthier workplace. Companies want to emphasize the human aspect of life by adding a holistic approach to their employees' health and well-being.

Keeping aside the obvious reason healthy employees result in a place that yields higher productivity. Let's have a look at other reasons for employee wellness programs.

In a study produced by the Harvard Business Review, it was seen that many big-tier corporations that opted for employee wellness programs saw cumulative gains in their company fortunes. The wellness programs helped reduce the number of at-risk employees by engaging them in exercise routines. This reduction in at-risk employees helped the companies save on medical expenses and other workforce-related expenses.

A study conducted by the National Business Group has also concluded that corporations with effective employee wellness programs have a significantly lower rate of attrition in comparison to a workplace with a less effective or absent wellness program.

These apps have brought together the mental and physical aspects of employee well-being. They are compatible and accessible for different requirements. They make the well-being of the employees relevant without compromising on quality. These apps produce greater productivity and higher morale in the workplace.

Employee wellness apps present different interactive ways to engage the worker. For such reasons, these wellness apps are essential for proper workplace health. A study by Shortlister shows that 60% of employers prefer a mobile app for employee wellness programs.

Let's look at some of the more obvious benefits.

Benefits of Employee Wellness Apps

An American Psychological Association (APA) study found that workplace wellness programs significantly improved employee performance. Here are a few benefits of employee wellness apps.

  1. Better Employee Health

A wellness app's primary objective is to enhance fitness; therefore, it works well for your workplace wellness plans. As a result, absenteeism is minimized, and productivity and efficiency is maximized.

  1. Tracks the health of the Workforce

Since health is such a vital matter nowadays, it is important to keep an accurate tab of it. Having apps in this regard will make life a lot easier for you. You can actively track your employees' health levels with wellness apps.

  1. Reduced Healthcare Cost

Wellness apps encourage an active lifestyle, and an active workforce means a fitter workforce. It means you will have much lower healthcare costs . Employers can spend their money more wisely on other aspects of the business with fewer expenses.

  1. Convenience

Employers benefit greatly from apps as they are never off duty. These apps are also very accurate because they're digital tools. All of this makes it much easier for corporations to control the health of their workforce.



Would you like to discover more about the DataFit FIT Tracker mHealth app?

Reach out to me to schedule a live virtual demonstration of this unique workforce health optimization tool.

About the author

Philip Stotter, MS, CEP

Philip Stotter, MS, CEP has over 25+ years of experience in the medical, health, wellness, and professional sports industries. Clinician turned business developer, Philip is a sought-after industry speaker and professional consultant. His ground-breaking work in injury prevention, paired with the science of human movement, has put him at the forefront of product development with a multidisciplinary approach that integrates physiology, biomechanics, cutting-edge technologies, and data-driven research.