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Muscle Up Your Health and Safety Workforce Culture

Your workplace is more than just a place to work, whether you're on the frontline or behind a desk. It's where you spend most of your waking hours and often where you'll have the most structured and controlled parts of your day.

With this in mind, many businesses are now reframing their approach to employee health and safety through a holistic lens and it’s leading to increased retention, revenue, and productivity.

A recent study found that companies prioritizing the health and safety of their workers are investing in the long-term success of their teams and business. Let's delve deeper into this.


What is Muscle Health?

The traditional focus on health and safety in the workplace was mainly on tangible aspects such as displaying OSHA posters and establishing clear evacuation paths. However, we now understand that ensuring worker safety involves more than just identifying potential risks. Many factors including workloads, working environments, and team dynamics play a crucial role in ensuring a safe workplace.

That’s where ‘Muscle Health’ comes in. Established by the founder of DataFit then IPCS Dr. Tom Gilliam, this approach champions a holistic understanding of the many factors that influence employee safety, health, and well-being. The goal? Improving workers’ health and well-being through comprehensive, integrated muscle strength programs.


Let’s talk about the benefits

Assessing teams to manage the physical challenges and stressors of their demanding work will undoubtedly require time and money. However, the cost of not evaluating employees’ physical abilities can be much higher, especially in safety-critical environments.

Focusing on workers' Muscle Health can yield significant benefits. Studies have shown that physical capability assessments can reduce the likelihood of workplace injuries and lead to fewer health complaints. Lowering workplace incidents and associated costs is not the only benefit – businesses also stand to gain from an operational and financial standpoint, and improve overall organizational productivity.


Unlocking creativity and productivity

What does creativity and productivity have to do with Muscle Health? It’s about shaping an environment where workers feel strong, confident, and well-equipped to perform tasks. A strong health and safety culture reduces job hazards and accidents and produces high-quality outcomes.


Supporting workforce retention

Muscle Health programs can enhance workforce retention by protecting and promoting employee health. Increased employee loyalty and reduced stress symptoms make for a content workforce who is likely to stay with their employer.


Start smart with proactive risk management

Starting with an analysis of job tasks and roles helps connect the dots regarding the capabilities needed to safely perform a job. Assessing each individual based on the requirements of the job task analysis helps ensure that each candidate is fit for the job. Annual checkups aid in establishing and promoting a Health and Safety culture through reassessment, interactive mobile health apps, and workshops. The Muscle Health approach means companies have a responsibility to ensure sustainable ways of working for employees while maintaining productivity. Adding Muscle Health to your Health and Safety culture will go a long way in ensuring happy, healthy, and productive employees for years to come.

Want to learn more about Muscle Health, check out our website at

About the author

Philip Stotter, MS, CEP

Philip Stotter, MS, CEP has over 25+ years of experience in the medical, health, wellness, and professional sports industries. Clinician turned business developer, Philip is a sought-after industry speaker and professional consultant. His ground-breaking work in injury prevention, paired with the science of human movement, has put him at the forefront of product development with a multidisciplinary approach that integrates physiology, biomechanics, cutting-edge technologies, and data-driven research.