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Job Fit: Matching People to Jobs.

Job candidates for the industrial sector are much more than the sum of their experiences, previous jobs, and education. For physically demanding jobs a person’s physical capabilities, along with their Muscle Health, have been found to be more accurate predictors of job success than those traditional measures.


Today, it’s all about Job Fit.


Physical Capability Assessments continue to be an indispensable part of the hiring process. They can help ensure that your job candidates are matched to the physical requirements of the job as closely as possible.

Helping both you and the job candidate is essential. You can prevent hiring individuals who cannot perform essential job functions, or even worse, may get injured. Additionally, you can assist candidates in avoiding jobs that they truly won't be able to perform.


Replicating top performance.


Finding the right people for a job starts with accurately identifying the specific job requirements. Successful matchmaking can only occur when you have a process that truly functions as a matchmaker.


So what is the ideal process to ensure optimal Job Fit? Here are the top three:


  1. Start by conducting a Job Task Analysis for each job task or role. It is crucial to identify and measure the physical demands of different job tasks and roles in order to create a safe and efficient workplace. Without knowing the essential physical requirements of a job, it is difficult to make the right hiring decision. Understanding the physical demands of various roles enables businesses to make informed hiring decisions, leading to a more sustainable workforce. Employees who are not physically able to perform necessary tasks are more likely to get injured. Job task analysis can result in better task allocation and improved employee performance, as people are placed in positions where they can succeed. Fewer injuries mean fewer costs. Job task analysis helps reduce potential healthcare claims and indirectly reduces absenteeism, turnover, and other costs associated with unhealthy and unhappy employees.


  1. Step 2 involves optimizing the workforce by matching new hire candidates with jobs they can perform within an organization. Utilizing a proven, compliant, and vetted process to assess your candidates is critical to ensure correct job fitting. Isokinetic Dynamometry testing is used for this purpose. Isokinetics is a form of measuring human physical performance and is considered the “gold standard” for physical capability testing. It measures approximately 83% of the body’s muscles that are engaged in job tasks such as pushing, pulling, lifting, and carrying.


Isokinetic Dynamometry Testing delivers the following:


✓ Accurate Results: delivers consistent, objective data. Every

candidate goes through the same rigorous, evidence-based

assessment process to ensure accuracy for every employee or

job candidate.


✓ Standardized Process: Non-bias assessment

concentrated on repetitive and total stress to the individuals

physical musculoskeletal capabilities, short and long term to

perform job requirements.


✓ No Masking: advanced assessment techniques ensure that

workers cannot mask physical conditions, ensuring genuine



✓ EEOC Compliant: meets or exceeds existing regulatory



✓ Employer Control: employers can calibrate tolerance for

legal challenges, hiring needs, and ROI when reviewing results.



  1. The final step is to assess the data and results of this ideal combination of prequalifying and then certifying your candidates for the job role or task. This will help in turning them into long-term, healthy, and productive employees because you took the time to ensure they were the right fit for the job.



Successful companies understand the importance of employing DataFit’s Physical Capabilities Assessments as part of their hiring process. These companies have collectively saved over $416 million dollars over the past two decades and have seen an average decrease in workers’ compensation costs by 67%. Once you understand your new employees’ Job Fit, you will have actual data you can use to optimize your workforce. Knowing the right fit for the job and for each of your employees will help you create a sustainable workforce for years to come.

About the author

Philip Stotter, MS, CEP

Philip Stotter, MS, CEP has over 25+ years of experience in the medical, health, wellness, and professional sports industries. Clinician turned business developer, Philip is a sought-after industry speaker and professional consultant. His ground-breaking work in injury prevention, paired with the science of human movement, has put him at the forefront of product development with a multidisciplinary approach that integrates physiology, biomechanics, cutting-edge technologies, and data-driven research.