Wellness and Well-Being Assessments
Muscular health is an overlooked but important part of employee wellness and well-being. Our assessment allows your employees to get a picture of their muscular health and intervention tools for improvement.
The well-being of your employees has a direct impact on your bottom line. Published research consistently shows that employees with healthier muscle mass are not only physically stronger, but also mentally and emotionally healthy. By assessing your workforce and giving them the tools and information they need to live healthier lives, businesses enjoy the following benefits:
- Improved Productivity: A holistic wellness approach ensures employees operate at their physical peak, resulting in fewer healthcare claims and less chance of injury.
- Reduced Absenteeism: Healthy employees, both physically and mentally, tend to take fewer sick days and use less vacation time to address illnesses. Workers are also much more committed to their work when they feel like their employers care about their personal well-being.
- Enhanced Morale: Employees feel valued when employers invest in their comprehensive well-being, boosting motivation and retention. In addition, other employees won’t get burnout from taking on work for workers who can’t complete all their duties.
- Cost Efficiency: Prevention is often cheaper than the cure. Regular assessments can lead to early identification and management of potential health issues, lowering your claims costs and other expenses tied to workplace performance.

How DataFit’s Well-Being Assessments Work
DataFit partners with employers to empower their workforce through methodical, data-backed procedures. Our Assessments give employees the information they need to improve their own physical health. This creates a healthier, more productive and less expensive workforce for employers.
Data-Driven Assessments
We conduct assessments in less than 15 minutes using isokinetic machines to identify employees’ risk for possible injuries and disease. The assessment can identify muscular imbalances and low strength to body mass.
Customizable Goals
Employers and employees can determine their own custom program goals, putting them in control of setting well-being targets for living a healthier lifestyle.
Complete Confidentiality
DataFit is committed to maintaining the privacy and dignity of every employee throughout the process. We provide customized reports within 24 hours for each employee highlighting their outcomes related to our database.
Employer Reporting
DataFit also delivers direct takeaways on how to reduce overall healthcare costs for employers. We provide summary, aggregate data with direct recommendations on how to support your employees’ healthy lifestyle choices.
Ongoing Intervention
Assessments are just the beginning. We give employees access to the DataFit Fitness Tracker™ to help them actively improve their muscular strength via fitness center or home-based exercises.
When employees thrive, so does the organization. DataFit has proudly served as not only a leader in muscular health assessments, but also as an advocate for comprehensive employee health. Between the sheer amount of isokinetic data we’ve amassed and our commitment to providing accurate, consistent results, we can help employees stay healthy and help businesses save money through healthcare costs and other indirect savings.
Use our online ROI calculator to receive an estimate of savings based on only a few datapoints.
Support Your Employees and Save Money Through Well-Being Assessments
DataFit has helped employers across North America build more resilient workforces through objective data. Make your workforce more sustainable by embracing your employees’ well-being.